The Masonry Centre at the University of Alberta turned 1 year on January 25th2020. Over the past year, the Masonry Centre has been really focused on developing economical, sustainable and durable masonry systems. Their on-going commitment to their mission statement is evident in their success and the success of their students. Here is a flashback…
Masonry Day at the University of Alberta
November 15th, 2019 Christopher Makepeace is a senior specialist, C.E.T. from Building Science Engineering LTD. He is acknowledged for his extensive experience in the field of building sciences. Today, he shared some of that knowledge with the students, pdfs, and professor of the Masonry Centre and with the contractors from the MCAA. In his talk,…
Maysoun Ismaiel is the 2019 recipient of the Masonry Contractors Association of Alberta-Northern Region Graduate Scholarship in Civil Engineering. She was awarded for her work titled “Analytical Modeling and Experimentation of Effective Thermal Transmittance of Masonry Walls”.
Visiting Masonry Construction Sites
The masonry center has organized two visits to masonry construction sites: June 28th, 2019 Dr. Carlos Noguez, Dr. Yuxiang Chen, Dr. ShihChung (Jessy) Kang, Dr. Christane (Chile) and their students visited a construction site of masonry partition. Mr. Louis St. Laurent and his team from Scorpio Masonry demonstrated the construction techniques and procedures. August 1st, 2019…
Robotics in Masonry Construction
Automation of repetitive, labour-intensive, and time-consuming work can significantly increase productivity and decrease labour costs. The automotive industry is a testament to this. Another industry that could benefit from robotics is the construction industry. However, given the complexity of worksites and tasks that need to be automated, the introduction of robotics has been slow. Although…
13th North American Masonry Conference
June 22th to 26th, 2019 Dr. Carlos Cruz Nogues and his students: Karen, Odin, Clayton; and Dr. Yuxiang Chen, attended the 13th North American Masonry Conference in Salt Lake City. The conference hosted many renowned people, such as Dr. Nigel Shrive and Mr. Peter Roberts. The following five papers from the Center were presented at…
Modular and Offsite Construction Summit 2019
May 21-24, 2019 Dr. Carlos, Dr. Yuxiang Chen and Ph.D. student Maysoun Ismaiel attended the conference and presented five of the Center’s papers. Maysoun present on the Investigation of Influencing Factors on Air Leakage of Canadian Dwellings.