Danny Romero started his MSc in September 2018. Danny obtained his undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Alberta in 2013 and was working as a Project Coordinator, Assistant Project Manager, and Estimator from 2013 to 2017. His research is focused on the investigation of the composite and thermal behaviour of a masonry wall system with shear connectors.
Due to the anisotropic properties of masonry and non-linear interactions between mortar, grouted cells, ungrouted cells, shear connectors and reinforcing steel, the behaviour of masonry wall systems are complex and not fully understood. By investigating the composite behaviour, further understanding will be obtained in structural behaviours for wall systems. By investigating the thermal behaviour, energy-efficient wall systems will be further understood, which current Canadian codes are focusing on in more detail to achieve better energy efficiency for future works. Finite Element Methods and experimental programs using the push through test method will be conducted in order to further understand these wall behaviours.